What is digital innovation?
Digital has fundamentally changed the world as we know it. Many observations on the digital switchover can be seen in our daily lives. In a very short time, industries that seemed stable have been turned upside down. By this new mode of communication and consumption.
In this article, we offer you an overview of the state of digital innovation.
You are looking to innovate, but what is innovation? Innovation is above all developing an idea or even transforming it to create value!
According to the INSEE, “innovation is a new or improved product or business process that differs significantly from the legal unit’s previous products or business processes and which has been implemented on the market.
Two kinds of innovation can be characterized: product innovation (goods or services) and business process innovation (including organizational and marketing innovations).”
What it is exactly ?
Digital innovation has changed the world of business at an impressive rate with many opportunities for companies. These include the following opportunities:
– the improvement of traditional business models and processes
– and the digital transformation of existing business processes
Digital innovation is the application of new technologies to existing problems or business practices.
Previous waves of digital innovation have been stimulated by the advent of Web 2.0 (smart mobile devices and high-speed Internet access).
The Internet of Things (IoT), big data, 3D printing, artificial intelligence (AI). And machine learning is one of the emerging technologies that will propel this trend in 2017 and beyond.
Remaining competitive
To remain competitive in the digital age. Each organization must integrate new technologies into its strategy. Thus, by taking advantage of opportunities to develop digital products. And using predictive and analytical data to better understand customer behavior. As well as internal performance. In this way, companies can increase revenues, reduce costs, and even generate additional revenue streams.
What if digitalization was only one of the many forms that innovation can take within a company?
Digital innovation is at the center of information and progress: AI, delivery of orders by drone, autonomous drone, autonomous employment, chat directed by robots…
Technological events are also multiplying. It is true that the information-communication sector is the most innovative, ahead of the industry.
The INSEE study shows that very often innovation is the fruit of a partnership. In order to innovate technologically, almost a third of companies have developed cooperation, most often with their suppliers (hence the importance of being part of a structured sector), but also with companies belonging to the same group.
What if you choose the right partner now? The cable partner to accompany you through this process and offer you a solution tailored to your company?
Ready to take the digital lift? Contact us or leave a comment. We can’t wait to hear from you.
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